Q & A
A chance for members to answer your questions♪
*Nickname will be posted
*Questions submitted may not be published in their original form.
Q. [To. KIM TAE RAE] It seems that Tere likes sushi, but what is your favorite sushi topping? 🍣
Q [To. RICKY] What are you into these days,リッキー?
Q [To. KIM GYU VIN] What is the most memorable episode of an incident or happening that happened at the ZB1 dormitory?
Q [To. PARK GUN WOOK] Do you finish your homework during long holidays first? Or do you finish it right before the deadline?
Q: To. HAN YU JIN: What do you eat when you're tired from practice?
Q [To. SUNG HAN BIN] Is there anywhere in Japan you would like to go to?
Q: To. KIM JI WOONG: Is there any memorable birthday episode?
Q [To. ZHANG HAO] Are you good at thrilling attractions?
Q: [To SEOK MATTHEW] Where would you like to go shopping in Japan?
Q: [To. KIM TAE RAE] How do you spend your days off?