Q & A
We are looking for questions from everyone at ZEROSE JAPAN, and members will randomly answer them.
A chance for members to answer your questions♪
*Nickname will be posted
*Questions submitted may not be published in their original form.
A chance for members to answer your questions♪
*Nickname will be posted
*Questions submitted may not be published in their original form.
Q 【To. SEOK MATTHEW】ジムによく行くけど、スポーツ得意ですか? サッカーとかバスケとか、得意だったら何が1番好きか知りたいです!!
Q 【To. KIM TAE RAE】気合いを入れたい時に聴く曲はありますか?
Q 【To. RICKY】いつも心に置いてる言葉を教えてください!
Q [To. KIM GYU VIN] What is your favorite Japanese sweet?
Q [To. PARK GUN WOOK] What is your favorite cafe drink???
Q: [To. HAN YU JIN] What is your favorite scent?
Q: [To. SUNG HAN BIN] Please tell us a funny story that happened during practice recently!!
Q: [To. KIM JI WOONG] What was your most memorable moment at the Japanese fan concert?
Q [To. ZHANG HAO] What made you start playing the violin?
Q [To. SEOK MATTHEW] Can I drink coffee? Do I need sugar?