『2024 ZEROBASEONE FAN-CON IN JAPAN』 Blu-ray & DVD発売記念 予約者対象オフライン特典会実施決定!



『2024 ZEROBASEONE FAN-CON IN JAPAN』 Blu-ray & DVDの発売決定を記念して、予約者対象オフライン特典会が決定いたしました!

Sony Music Shopの特設カートより下記対象のDVDもしくはBlu-rayをご予約のうえ、【応募シリアルナンバー】を応募サイトに入力してエントリーいただけます。

Please read the notes below carefully before applying!



【予約者対象オフライン特典会対象公演】 各公演50名様/合計250名様

①11/29(金):[愛知] AICHI SKY EXPO HALL A

②11/30(土):[愛知] AICHI SKY EXPO HALL A

③12/1(日):[愛知] AICHI SKY EXPO HALL A

④12/4(水):[神奈川] K-ARENA YOKOHAMA

⑤12/5(木):[神奈川] K-ARENA YOKOHAMA





○How to apply○

①Sony Music Shopにて、【予約者対象オフライン特典会シリアルナンバー付】『2024 ZEROBASEONE FAN-CON IN JAPAN』 通常盤(DVD)・通常盤(Blu-ray)のいずれかをご購入ください。

②ご購入いただくとご購入枚数分の【応募シリアルナンバー】がSony Music Shopマイページ内の【購入特典一覧ページ】に表示されます。

③After the application site opens, please enter the [Application Serial Number] and apply.


*Winning or losing results will be displayed immediately.


*Even if you purchase, if you do not apply by the application deadline, the [Application Serial Number] will be invalid. Please be sure to apply according to the [How to apply] before the application deadline.

*Please note that if you cancel your Sony Music Shop membership, you will no longer be able to check your Sony Music Shop My Page.

*If a credit card authorization error occurs after the drawing, such as "the transaction has reached the limit" or "the card has expired as of today", all winnings will be lost if the authorization error is not resolved by the deadline. Please note that your rights (including products you have already paid for) will be invalidated.

※予約者対象オフライン特典会の当落に関わらず「お取引が限度額に達している」「本日現在有効期限切れカードとなっている」などで抽選後にクレジットカードのオーソリエラーが発生した際、期限までにオーソリエラーが解消されない場合は、以降Sony Music Shopで実施される抽選等では今後一切抽選エントリー対象外とさせて頂く可能性もございます。予めご了承ください。

○Sales period○


*Applicable to those who have completed the payment during the above period.




Delivery schedule: Scheduled to be delivered by the release date

○Application deadline○


*Winning or losing results will be displayed immediately after the application is received.


○Target products○

【予約者対象オフライン特典会シリアルナンバー付】『2024 ZEROBASEONE FAN-CON IN JAPAN』

■Sony Music Shop限定 通常盤(DVD)(BVB7-6)


■Sony Music Shop限定 通常盤(Blu-ray)(BVX7-2)


*One [Application Serial Number] will be given for each purchase of one of the above eligible products.




※ご購入いただいた商品の枚数分、<Sony Music Shop限定特典:オリジナル・B5クリアポスター(全9種の内、1種をランダムにてお渡し ※ソロ写真全9種)>も差し上げます。



*The number of tickets cannot be changed or canceled after the purchase is completed.

*This will be held after the show, so please only participate in the lottery if you have time. We cannot change the schedule.

*Winning is not on a first-come, first-served basis.



*Applying with multiple accounts is prohibited.

*Resale or transfer of application serial numbers and winning rights to others (including relatives), fraudulent acts such as forging identification documents, etc. are strictly prohibited for any reason. If this is discovered, you will be refused participation in this event as well as future events. Additionally, counterfeiting is a criminal offense and may be reported to the police.

*If any fraud is discovered, the winning will be invalidated.

*Please be sure to apply using the name of the person who will be participating. No changes or cancellations can be made after the application is completed or the winner is announced. (The name at the time of order cannot be changed, including conversion of Kanji/English, etc., and input errors.)


*Customers will be responsible for all costs such as communication fees and electricity charges incurred as a result of participating in this event.

*Please note that we will not be able to respond to inquiries regarding your inability to apply after the application period has ended.

*Regardless of the reason, the [Application Serial Number] will not be reissued.

*You must apply for this special event using your own smartphone, tablet, or PC.



※For foreigners, please enter your name in 'English' when you sign up. (Enter the same name that appears on your passport or other identification.)


*Meeting time and meeting place will be informed only to the winners.

*Participating events have designated times. Please note that if you are unable to meet the deadline due to personal circumstances, you will not be able to participate in the event.




*If you are coming in a wheelchair, please speak to the venue staff on the day.






*During the event, you will be asked to walk throughout the space, so please proceed without stopping.


※本イベントではメンバーとお客様の間にアクリル板またはビニールシートは設置いたしませんが、運営側が設定した距離を保っていただき、大声での発声はお控えいただきますようお願いいたします。(お客様が設定した距離を超えてしまった際はスタッフがお声掛けや身体に触れて誘導する場合がございます。) お客様同士も同様にご対応をお願いいたします。(お客様ご自身の判断によって、マスクの着用をお願いいたします。開催時の感染状況によって、不織布マスクの着用を必須とさせていただく場合もございます。) 





*There will be no interpretation or other support available at this event.

*If inappropriate expressions are observed during the event (slandering members, forcing poses, facial expressions, or statements, acts that violate public order and morals, etc.), you may be asked to leave the event at the discretion of the staff. .

*It is prohibited to bring dangerous goods or alcoholic beverages into the event, or to participate in the event after drinking or under the influence of alcohol.



*We will not be involved in any troubles between customers. Please note.


*Please note that if you are unable to participate in the event due to other circumstances, we will not be able to provide a refund.

○Regarding identity verification○

As a measure to prevent the resale of this event, we will verify your identity.

On the day of the event, please bring one identification document with a photo specified by this event or two or more official identification documents with your name engraved (one with your date of birth) listed below. If you cannot confirm your identity, you will not be able to participate for any reason. Only winners can participate in the event.

<Identification document with face photo (one item is OK if the address is written on the following types of certificates)>

・Student ID card with photo

・Passport (if address is not listed, another proof is required)

・Basic resident register card with photo

・My number card with face photo (Notices are not accepted)

·driver's license

・Residence card (alien registration certificate), special permanent resident certificate

・Disability certificate

・Credit card with photo

<Identification documents without face photo (2 items are required)>

・Identification documents with a face photo listed above, but without a face photo

·Health insurance card

・Basic resident register card without photo

・Residence card

・Copy of family register, extract of family register

・Seal registration certificate

・Pension handbook ・Maternity handbook

*At least one of the certificates listed above is required (two without a photo). If the certificate does not include an address, supplementary information such as utility bill payment statements, etc., which cannot be issued by the government or other government agencies, are required. Please prepare documents such as payment/invoice details issued by a private infrastructure company that can only be obtained by people residing at the listed address.

○ Regarding the handling of personal information ○

*Sony Music Labels Co., Ltd. will use the personal information provided by customers only for the lottery and reception of participation in this project, and will not use it for any other purpose.

*Sony Music Labels Inc. will store the personal information you provide by taking necessary measures to protect it from leakage, loss, unauthorized access, etc.



*Please read the 15 Saiman's Okyakusama together with the person who is holding the bath.


If you win, you will be required to present your electronic ticket.

Electronic tickets can be purchased from the "Electronic ticket list" (https://mg.withlive-app.com/offline_events) in the menu of the "WithLIVE Meet&Greet" top page (https://mg.withlive-app.com). You can check it.

*Please be sure to log in using the same account you used to win the prize.

*Please open electronic tickets using a Chrome or Safari browser.

Click here to learn how to use your e-ticket:


*This event uses the WithLIVE application "WithLIVE Meet&Greet." Therefore, the information you provide (including personal information) will be mutually used between WithLIVE Inc. and Sony Music Labels Inc. Please note.

*We will take necessary measures to store the personal information you provide to protect it from leakage, loss, unauthorized access, etc.



WithLIVE Meet&Greet サポートセンター 




*Business hours: 11:00-18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)






*Business hours: 11:00-18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)